Source code for WrightTools.artists._interact

"""Interactive (widget based) artists."""

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.widgets import Slider, RadioButtons
from types import SimpleNamespace

from ._helpers import create_figure, plot_colorbar, add_sideplot
from ._base import _order_for_imshow
from ._colors import colormaps
from ..exceptions import DimensionalityError
from .. import kit as wt_kit
from .. import data as wt_data

__all__ = ["interact2D"]

class Focus:
    def __init__(self, axes, sliders, linewidth=2):
        self.axes = axes
        self.sliders = sliders
        self.linewidth = linewidth
        ax = axes[0]
        for side in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]:
        self.focus_axis = ax

    def __call__(self, ax):
        if type(ax) == str:
            ind = self.axes.index(self.focus_axis)
            if ax == "next":
                ind -= 1
            elif ax == "previous":
                ind += 1
            ax = self.axes[ind % len(self.axes)]
        if self.focus_axis == ax or ax not in self.axes:
        else:  # set new focus
            if self.focus_axis.get_gid() in self.sliders.keys():
            if ax.get_gid() in self.sliders.keys():

            for spine in ["top", "bottom", "left", "right"]:
            self.focus_axis = ax

def _at_dict(data, sliders, xaxis, yaxis):
    return {
        a.natural_name: (a[:].flat[int(sliders[a.natural_name].val)], a.units)
        for a in data.axes
        if a not in [xaxis, yaxis]

def create_local_global_radio(ax, local):
    if mpl.__version_info__ >= (3, 7):
        radio = RadioButtons(ax, (" global", " local"), radio_props={"s": 100})
        radio = RadioButtons(ax, (" global", " local"))
        for circle in radio.circles:
    if local:
    return radio

def get_axes(data, axes):
    xaxis, yaxis = axes
    if type(xaxis) in [int, str]:
        xaxis = wt_kit.get_index(data.axis_names, xaxis)
        xaxis = data.axes[xaxis]
    elif type(xaxis) != wt_data.Axis:
        raise TypeError("invalid xaxis type {0}".format(type(xaxis)))
    if type(yaxis) in [int, str]:
        yaxis = wt_kit.get_index(data.axis_names, yaxis)
        yaxis = data.axes[yaxis]
    elif type(yaxis) != wt_data.Axis:
        raise TypeError("invalid xaxis type {0}".format(type(yaxis)))
    return xaxis, yaxis

def get_channel(data, channel):
    if isinstance(channel, int):
        channel = data.channels[channel]
    elif isinstance(channel, str):
        channel = [ch for ch in data.channels if ch.natural_name == channel][0]
    elif type(channel) != wt_data.Channel:
        raise TypeError("invalid channel type {0}".format(type(channel)))
    return channel

def get_colormap(signed):
    cmap = "signed" if signed else "default"
    cmap = colormaps[cmap]
    cmap.set_bad([0.75] * 3, 1.0)
    cmap.set_under([0.75] * 3, 1.0)
    return cmap

class Norm:
    def __init__(self, channel, current_state):
        self.current_state = current_state
        self.signed = channel.signed

    def __call__(self, data):
        out = self.norm(data)
        return out

    def update(self, channel):
        if self.signed:
            if not self.current_state.local:
                norm = mpl.colors.CenteredNorm(vcenter=channel.null, halfrange=channel.mag())
                norm = mpl.colors.CenteredNorm(vcenter=channel.null)
            if norm.halfrange == 0:
                norm.halfrange = 1
            if not self.current_state.local:
                norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=channel.null, vmax=np.nanmax(channel[:]))
                norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=channel.null)
            if norm.vmax == norm.vmin:
                norm.vmax += 1
        self.norm = norm

    def ticks(self) -> np.array:
        if type(self.norm) == mpl.colors.CenteredNorm:
            vmin = self.norm.vcenter - self.norm.halfrange
            vmax = self.norm.vcenter + self.norm.halfrange
        else:  # mpl.colors.Normalize
            vmin = self.norm.vmin
            vmax = self.norm.vmax
        return np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 11)

def gen_ticklabels(points, signed=None):
    step = np.nanmin(np.diff(points))
    if step == 0:  # zeros everywhere
        ticklabels = ["" for i in range(11)]
        if signed:
            ticklabels[5] = "0"
            ticklabels[0] = "0"
        return ticklabels
    ordinal = np.log10(np.abs(step))
    ndigits = -int(np.floor(ordinal))
    if ndigits < 0:
        ndigits += 1
        fmt = "{0:0.0f}"
        fmt = "{" + "0:.{0}f".format(ndigits) + "}"
    ticklabels = [fmt.format(round(point, ndigits)) for point in points]
    return ticklabels

[docs] def interact2D( data: wt_data.Data, xaxis=0, yaxis=1, channel=0, cmap=None, local=False, use_imshow=False, verbose=True, ): """Interactive 2D plot of the dataset. Side plots show x and y projections of the slice (shaded gray). Left clicks on the main axes draw 1D slices on side plots at the coordinates selected. Right clicks remove the 1D slices. For 3+ dimensional data, sliders below the main axes are used to change which slice is viewed. Parameters ---------- data : WrightTools.Data object Data to plot. xaxis : string, integer, or data.Axis object (optional) Expression or index of x axis. Default is 0. yaxis : string, integer, or data.Axis object (optional) Expression or index of y axis. Default is 1. channel : string, integer, or data.Channel object (optional) Name or index of channel to plot. Default is 0. cmap : string or cm object (optional) Name of colormap, or explicit colormap object. Defaults to channel default. local : boolean (optional) Toggle plotting locally. Default is False. use_imshow : boolean (optional) If True, matplotlib imshow is used to render the 2D slice. Can give better performance, but is only accurate for uniform grids. Default is False. verbose : boolean (optional) Toggle talkback. Default is True. Returns ------- out : types.SimpleNamespace container for important interactive elements of the plot. Properties ---------- image : 2D artist object The artist of the 2D plot. Type is either matplotlib.collections.QuadMesh (use_imshow=False) or matplotlib.image.AxesImage (use_imshow=True) sliders : dict (key[name] = value[matplotlib.Widgets.Slider]) The sliders. crosshairs: list of horizontal and vertical crosshair crosshairs are lists of matplotlib.lines.Line2D radio : matplotlib.Widgets.RadioButtons radio button for local/global normalization colorbar : matplotlib.colorbar.ColorbarBase The 2D colorbar object Usage ----- When calling, always store the returned arguments to a variable: >>> out = WrightTools.artists.interact2D(...) This prevents interactive buttons from turning off due to python's garbage collection. """ # avoid changing passed data object data = data.copy() # unpack channel = get_channel(data, channel) xaxis, yaxis = get_axes(data, [xaxis, yaxis]) data.prune(keep_channels=channel.natural_name, verbose=False) cmap = cmap if cmap is not None else get_colormap(channel.signed) current_state = SimpleNamespace() # create figure nsliders = data.ndim - 2 if nsliders < 0: raise DimensionalityError(">= 2", data.ndim) # TODO: implement aspect; doesn't work currently because of our incorporation of colorbar fig, gs = create_figure( width="single", margin=[0.2, 1, 0.2, 1], nrows=7 + nsliders, cols=[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, "cbar"] ) plt.get_current_fig_manager().set_window_title(f"interact2D: {data.natural_name}") # create axes ax0 = plt.subplot(gs[1:6, 0:5]) ax0.patch.set_facecolor("w") cax = plt.subplot(gs[1:6, -1]) sp_x = add_sideplot(ax0, "x", pad=0.1) sp_y = add_sideplot(ax0, "y", pad=0.1) ax_local = plt.subplot(gs[0, 0], aspect="equal", frameon=False) ax_title = plt.subplot(gs[0, 3], frameon=False) ax_title.text( 0.5, 0.5, data.natural_name, fontsize=18, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", transform=ax_title.transAxes, ) ax_title.set_axis_off() # NOTE: there are more axes here for more buttons / widgets in future plans # create lines x_color = "#00BFBF" # cyan with increased saturation y_color = "coral" line_sp_x = sp_x.plot([None], [None], visible=False, color=x_color, linewidth=2)[0] line_sp_y = sp_y.plot([None], [None], visible=False, color=y_color, linewidth=2)[0] crosshair_hline = ax0.plot([None], [None], visible=False, color=x_color, linewidth=2)[0] crosshair_vline = ax0.plot([None], [None], visible=False, color=y_color, linewidth=2)[0] current_state.xarg = xaxis.points.flatten().size // 2 current_state.yarg = yaxis.points.flatten().size // 2 xdir = 1 if xaxis.points.flatten()[-1] - xaxis.points.flatten()[0] > 0 else -1 ydir = 1 if yaxis.points.flatten()[-1] - yaxis.points.flatten()[0] > 0 else -1 current_state.bin_vs_x = True current_state.bin_vs_y = True # create buttons current_state.local = local radio = create_local_global_radio(ax_local, local) # create sliders sliders = {} for axis in filter(lambda a: a not in [xaxis, yaxis], data.axes): if axis.size > raise NotImplementedError("Cannot use multivariable axis as a slider") slider_axes = plt.subplot(gs[~len(sliders), :]).axes slider = Slider( slider_axes, axis.label, 0, axis.points.size - 1, valinit=0, valstep=1, track_color="lightgrey", ) sliders[axis.natural_name] = slider slider_axes.set_gid(axis.natural_name) range(axis.points.size - 1), *, colors="k", linestyle=":", alpha=0.5, ) slider.valtext.set_text(gen_ticklabels(axis.points)[0]) current_state.focus = Focus([ax0] + [ for slider in sliders.values()], sliders) # initial xyz start are from zero indices of additional axes current_state.dat =**_at_dict(data, sliders, xaxis, yaxis)) current_state.dat.transform(xaxis.expression, yaxis.expression) current_state.norm = Norm(channel, current_state) gen_mesh = ax0.pcolormesh if not use_imshow else ax0.imshow obj2D = gen_mesh( current_state.dat, cmap=cmap, norm=current_state.norm.norm, ylabel=yaxis.label, xlabel=xaxis.label, ) ax0.grid(True) # colorbar ticks = current_state.norm.ticks ticklabels = gen_ticklabels(ticks, channel.signed) colorbar = plot_colorbar(cax, cmap=cmap, label=channel.natural_name, ticks=ticks) colorbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def draw_sideplot_projections(): arr = current_state.dat[channel.natural_name][:] xind = list( np.array( current_state.dat.axes[ current_state.dat.axis_expressions.index(xaxis.expression) ].shape ) > 1 ).index(True) yind = list( np.array( current_state.dat.axes[ current_state.dat.axis_expressions.index(yaxis.expression) ].shape ) > 1 ).index(True) norm = current_state.norm if channel.signed: temp_arr =, np.isnan(arr), copy=True) temp_arr[temp_arr < 0] = 0 x_proj_pos = np.nanmax(temp_arr, axis=yind) y_proj_pos = np.nanmax(temp_arr, axis=xind) temp_arr =, np.isnan(arr), copy=True) temp_arr[temp_arr > 0] = 0 x_proj_neg = np.nanmin(temp_arr, axis=yind) y_proj_neg = np.nanmin(temp_arr, axis=xind) x_proj = np.nanmean(arr, axis=yind) y_proj = np.nanmean(arr, axis=xind) alpha = 0.4 blue = "#517799" # start with #87C7FF and change saturation red = "#994C4C" # start with #FF7F7F and change saturation if current_state.bin_vs_x: try: sp_x.fill_between(xaxis.points, norm(x_proj_pos), 0.5, color=red, alpha=alpha) sp_x.fill_between(xaxis.points, 0.5, norm(x_proj_neg), color=blue, alpha=alpha) sp_x.fill_between(xaxis.points, norm(x_proj), 0.5, color="k", alpha=0.3) except ValueError: # Input passed into argument is not 1-dimensional current_state.bin_vs_x = False sp_x.set_visible(False) if current_state.bin_vs_y: try: sp_y.fill_betweenx(yaxis.points, norm(y_proj_pos), 0.5, color=red, alpha=alpha) sp_y.fill_betweenx( yaxis.points, 0.5, norm(y_proj_neg), color=blue, alpha=alpha ) sp_y.fill_betweenx(yaxis.points, norm(y_proj), 0.5, color="k", alpha=0.3) except ValueError: current_state.bin_vs_y = False sp_y.set_visible(False) else: if current_state.bin_vs_x: x_proj = np.nanmax(arr, axis=yind) try: sp_x.fill_between(xaxis.points, norm(x_proj), 0, color="k", alpha=0.3) except ValueError: current_state.bin_vs_x = False sp_x.set_visible(False) if current_state.bin_vs_y: y_proj = np.nanmax(arr, axis=xind) try: sp_y.fill_betweenx(yaxis.points, norm(y_proj), 0, color="k", alpha=0.3) except ValueError: current_state.bin_vs_y = False sp_y.set_visible(False) draw_sideplot_projections() ax0.set_xlim(xaxis.points.min(), xaxis.points.max()) ax0.set_ylim(yaxis.points.min(), yaxis.points.max()) sp_x.set_ylim(0, 1) sp_y.set_xlim(0, 1) def update_sideplot_slices(): # TODO: if bins is only available along one axis, slicing should be valid along the other # e.g., if bin_vs_y = True, then assemble slices vs x # for now, just uniformly turn off slicing if (not current_state.bin_vs_x) or (not current_state.bin_vs_y): return xlim = ax0.get_xlim() ylim = ax0.get_ylim() x0 = xaxis.points[current_state.xarg] y0 = yaxis.points[current_state.yarg] crosshair_hline.set_data(np.array([xlim, [y0, y0]])) crosshair_vline.set_data(np.array([[x0, x0], ylim])) at_dict = _at_dict(data, sliders, xaxis, yaxis) at_dict[xaxis.natural_name] = (x0, xaxis.units) side_plot_data =**at_dict) side_plot = side_plot_data[channel.natural_name].points side_plot = current_state.norm(side_plot) line_sp_y.set_data(side_plot, yaxis.points) side_plot_data.close() at_dict = _at_dict(data, sliders, xaxis, yaxis) at_dict[yaxis.natural_name] = (y0, yaxis.units) side_plot_data =**at_dict) side_plot = side_plot_data[channel.natural_name].points side_plot = current_state.norm(side_plot) line_sp_x.set_data(xaxis.points, side_plot) side_plot_data.close() def update_local(index): if verbose: print("normalization:", index) current_state.local = radio.value_selected[1:] == "local" current_state.norm.update(channel) obj2D.set_norm(current_state.norm.norm) ticklabels = gen_ticklabels(current_state.norm.ticks, channel.signed) colorbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) update_sideplots(sp_x, sp_y, line_sp_x, line_sp_y) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def update_slider(info, use_imshow=use_imshow): current_state.dat.close() current_state.dat = data.chop( xaxis.natural_name, yaxis.natural_name, at={ a.natural_name: (a[:].flat[int(sliders[a.natural_name].val)], a.units) for a in data.axes if a not in [xaxis, yaxis] }, verbose=False, )[0] for k, s in sliders.items(): s.valtext.set_text( gen_ticklabels(data.axes[data.axis_names.index(k)].points)[int(s.val)] ) if use_imshow: transpose = _order_for_imshow( current_state.dat[xaxis.natural_name][:], current_state.dat[yaxis.natural_name][:], ) obj2D.set_data(current_state.dat[channel.natural_name][:].transpose(transpose)) else: obj2D.set_array(current_state.dat[channel.natural_name][:].ravel()) current_state.norm.update(channel) obj2D.set_norm(current_state.norm.norm) ticks = current_state.norm.ticks ticklabels = gen_ticklabels(ticks, channel.signed) colorbar.set_ticklabels(ticklabels) update_sideplots(sp_x, sp_y, line_sp_x, line_sp_y) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def update_sideplots(sp_x, sp_y, line_sp_x, line_sp_y): [item.remove() for item in sp_x.collections] [item.remove() for item in sp_y.collections] if len(sp_x.collections) > 0: # mpl < 3.7 sp_x.collections.clear() sp_y.collections.clear() draw_sideplot_projections() if line_sp_x.get_visible() and line_sp_y.get_visible(): update_sideplot_slices() def update_crosshairs(xarg, yarg, hide=False): # find closest x and y pts in dataset current_state.xarg = xarg current_state.yarg = yarg xedge = xarg in [0, xaxis.points.flatten().size - 1] yedge = yarg in [0, yaxis.points.flatten().size - 1] current_state.xpos = xaxis.points[xarg] current_state.ypos = yaxis.points[yarg] if not hide: # update crosshairs and show if verbose: print(current_state.xpos, current_state.ypos) update_sideplot_slices() line_sp_x.set_visible(True) line_sp_y.set_visible(True) crosshair_hline.set_visible(True) crosshair_vline.set_visible(True) # thicker lines if on the axis edges crosshair_vline.set_linewidth(6 if xedge else 2) crosshair_hline.set_linewidth(6 if yedge else 2) else: # do not update and hide crosshairs line_sp_x.set_visible(False) line_sp_y.set_visible(False) crosshair_hline.set_visible(False) crosshair_vline.set_visible(False) def update_button_release(info): # mouse button release current_state.focus(info.inaxes) if info.inaxes == ax0: xlim = ax0.get_xlim() ylim = ax0.get_ylim() x0, y0 = info.xdata, info.ydata if x0 > xlim[0] and x0 < xlim[1] and y0 > ylim[0] and y0 < ylim[1]: xarg = np.abs(xaxis.points - x0).argmin() yarg = np.abs(yaxis.points - y0).argmin() if info.button == 1 or info.button is None: # left click update_crosshairs(xarg, yarg) elif info.button == 3: # right click update_crosshairs(xarg, yarg, hide=True) fig.canvas.draw_idle() def update_key_press(info): if info.key in ["left", "right", "up", "down"]: if current_state.focus.focus_axis != ax0: # sliders if info.key in ["up", "down"]: return slider = [ slider for slider in sliders.values() if == current_state.focus.focus_axis ][0] new_val = slider.val + 1 if info.key == "right" else slider.val - 1 new_val %= slider.valmax + 1 slider.set_val(new_val) else: # crosshairs dx = dy = 0 if info.key == "left": dx -= 1 elif info.key == "right": dx += 1 elif info.key == "up": dy += 1 elif info.key == "down": dy -= 1 update_crosshairs( (current_state.xarg + dx * xdir) % xaxis.points.flatten().size, (current_state.yarg + dy * ydir) % yaxis.points.flatten().size, ) elif info.key == "tab": current_state.focus("next") elif info.key == "ctrl+tab": current_state.focus("previous") else: mpl.backend_bases.key_press_handler(info, fig.canvas, fig.canvas.toolbar) fig.canvas.draw_idle() fig.canvas.mpl_disconnect(fig.canvas.manager.key_press_handler_id) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("button_release_event", update_button_release) fig.canvas.mpl_connect("key_press_event", update_key_press) radio.on_clicked(update_local) for slider in sliders.values(): slider.on_changed(update_slider) out = SimpleNamespace( image=obj2D, sliders=sliders, crosshairs=[crosshair_hline, crosshair_vline], radio=radio, colorbar=colorbar, ) return out