# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import struct
import pathlib
import warnings
import numpy as np
from ._data import Data
from .. import exceptions as wt_exceptions
# --- define --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = ["from_Aramis"]
# --- from function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_Aramis(filepath, name=None, parent=None, verbose=True) -> Data:
"""Create a data object from Horiba Aramis ngc binary file.
filepath : path-like
Path to .ngc file.
Can be either a local or remote file (http/ftp).
Can be compressed with gz/bz2, decompression based on file name.
name : string (optional)
Name to give to the created data object. If None, name is extracted from file.
Default is None.
parent : WrightTools.Collection (optional)
Collection to place new data object within. Default is None.
verbose : boolean (optional)
Toggle talkback. Default is True.
New data object(s).
# parse filepath
filestr = os.fspath(filepath)
filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath)
if not ".ngc" in filepath.suffixes:
wt_exceptions.WrongFileTypeWarning.warn(filepath, ".ngc")
ds = np.DataSource(None)
f = ds.open(filestr, "rb")
header = f.readline()
if header != b"NGSNextGen\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\n":
warnings.warn(f"Unexpected Header {header}, Aramis parsing may not be valid")
header = f.read(10)
if header != b"DataMatrix":
warnings.warn(f"Unexpected Header {header}, Aramis parsing may not be valid")
_ = _readstr(f) # instr, not used but needs to be read
iname = _readstr(f)
# parse name
if not name:
name = iname
# create data
kwargs = {"name": name, "kind": "Aramis", "source": filestr}
if parent is None:
data = Data(**kwargs)
data = parent.create_data(**kwargs)
# array
f.seek(4 * 4, 1) # skip 4 integers [~=size, 0, 8, -1] is expected
asize = struct.unpack("<i", f.read(4))[0]
ndim = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
shape = struct.unpack(f"<{'i'*ndim}", f.read(4 * ndim))
f.seek(2 + 4, 1) # skip '0xffff', size in bytes
arr = np.fromfile(f, "<f4", np.prod(shape))
arr.shape = shape
f.read((asize - arr.size) * 4)
while f.read(1) == b"\0":
f.seek(-1, 1)
nlab = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
labels = [_readstr(f) for _ in range(nlab)]
nunit = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
unit_trans = {"1/cm": "wn", "µm": "um", "sec": "s_t", "": None}
units = [_readstr(f) for _ in range(nunit)]
units = [unit_trans.get(u, u) for u in units]
skip = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
f.seek(skip, 1) # skip values that were all zero in test data
# Which index in the shape aligns whith which label/unit
nidx = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
idx = struct.unpack(f"<{'h'*2*nidx}", f.read(4 * nidx))[::2]
chidx = idx.index(ndim)
data.create_channel(labels[chidx], arr, units=units[chidx])
# Endpoints of axes, needed if full array unavailable
nend = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
end = struct.unpack(f"<{'f'*nend}", f.read(4 * nend))
# Unknown what value means, other than nonzero seems to indicate array present
nunk = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0]
unk = struct.unpack(f"<{'i'*nunk}", f.read(4 * nunk))
for i, u in enumerate(unk):
if idx[i] < ndim:
if u != 0:
axissize = struct.unpack("<h", f.read(2))[0] // 4
arr = np.fromfile(f, "<f4", axissize)
arr = np.linspace(end[2 * i], end[2 * i + 1], shape[idx[i]])
sh = [1] * ndim
sh[idx[i]] = shape[idx[i]]
arr.shape = tuple(sh)
data.create_variable(labels[i], arr, units=units[i], label=labels[i])
data.transform(*[labels[i] for i, ix in enumerate(idx) if ix < ndim])
# finish
if verbose:
print("data created at {0}".format(data.fullpath))
print(" axes: {0}".format(data.axis_names))
print(" shape: {0}".format(data.shape))
return data
def _readstr(f):
return f.read(ord(f.read(1))).decode("iso-8859-1")