"""Kent Meyer."""
# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import pathlib
import collections
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from ._data import Data
from .. import kit as wt_kit
# --- define --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__all__ = ["from_KENT"]
# --- from function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def from_KENT(
) -> Data:
"""Create data object from KENT file(s).
filepaths : path-like or list of path-like
Can be either a local or remote file (http/ftp).
Can be compressed with gz/bz2, decompression based on file name.
name : string (optional)
Unique dataset identifier. If None (default), autogenerated.
ignore : list of strings (optional)
Columns to ignore. Default is ['wm'].
delay_tolerance : float (optional)
Tolerance below-which to ignore delay changes (in picoseconds).
Default is 0.1.
frequency_tolerance : float (optional)
Tolerance below-which to ignore frequency changes (in wavenumbers).
Default is 0.5.
parent : WrightTools.Collection (optional)
Collection to place new data object within. Default is None.
verbose : bool (optional)
Toggle talkback. Default is True.
Data from KENT.
# define columns ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# axes
axes = collections.OrderedDict()
axes["w1"] = {"units": "wn", "idx": 0, "label": "1"}
axes["w2"] = {"units": "wn", "idx": 1, "label": "2"}
axes["wm"] = {"units": "wn", "idx": 2, "label": "m"}
axes["d1"] = {"units": "ps", "idx": 3, "label": "1"}
axes["d2"] = {"units": "ps", "idx": 4, "label": "2"}
for key in axes.keys():
if "w" in key:
axes[key]["tolerance"] = frequency_tolerance
elif "d" in key:
axes[key]["tolerance"] = delay_tolerance
# channels
channels = collections.OrderedDict()
channels["signal"] = {"idx": 5}
channels["OPA1"] = {"idx": 6}
channels["OPA2"] = {"idx": 7}
# do we have a list of files or just one file? ------------------------------------------------
if not isinstance(filepaths, list):
filepaths = [filepaths]
filestrs = [os.fspath(f) for f in filepaths]
filepaths = [pathlib.Path(f) for f in filepaths]
# import full array ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ds = np.DataSource(None)
arr = []
for f in filestrs:
ff = ds.open(f, "rt")
arr = np.concatenate(arr, axis=1)
# recognize dimensionality of data ------------------------------------------------------------
axes_discover = axes.copy()
for key in ignore:
if key in axes_discover:
axes_discover.pop(key) # remove dimensions that mess up discovery
scanned = wt_kit.discover_dimensions(arr, axes_discover)
# create data object --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if name is None:
name = wt_kit.string2identifier(filepaths[0].name)
kwargs = {"name": name, "kind": "KENT", "source": filestrs}
if parent is not None:
data = parent.create_data(**kwargs)
data = Data(**kwargs)
# grid and fill data --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# variables
ndim = len(scanned)
for i, key in enumerate(scanned.keys()):
for name in key.split("="):
shape = [1] * ndim
a = scanned[key]
shape[i] = a.size
a.shape = tuple(shape)
units = axes[name]["units"]
label = axes[name]["label"]
data.create_variable(name=name, values=a, units=units, label=label)
for key, dic in axes.items():
if key not in data.variable_names:
c = np.mean(arr[dic["idx"]])
if not np.isnan(c):
shape = [1] * ndim
a = np.array([c])
a.shape = tuple(shape)
units = dic["units"]
label = dic["label"]
data.create_variable(name=key, values=a, units=units, label=label)
# channels
if len(scanned) == 1: # 1D data
for key in channels.keys():
channel = channels[key]
zi = arr[channel["idx"]]
data.create_channel(name=key, values=zi)
else: # all other dimensionalities
# channels
points = tuple(arr[axes[key.split("=")[0]]["idx"]] for key in scanned.keys())
xi = tuple(np.meshgrid(*scanned.values(), indexing="ij"))
for key in channels.keys():
channel = channels[key]
zi = arr[channel["idx"]]
fill_value = min(zi)
grid_i = griddata(points, zi, xi, method="linear", fill_value=fill_value)
data.create_channel(name=key, values=grid_i)
# axes
# return --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if verbose:
print("data created at {0}".format(data.fullpath))
print(" axes: {0}".format(data.axis_names))
print(" shape: {0}".format(data.shape))
return data