Source code for WrightTools.collection._cary


# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import os
import pathlib
import re

import numpy as np

from .. import exceptions as wt_exceptions
from ._collection import Collection

# --- define --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ["from_Cary"]

# --- from function -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def from_Cary(filepath, name=None, parent=None, verbose=True): """Create a collection object from a Cary UV VIS absorbance file. We hope to support as many Cary instruments and datasets as possible. This function has been tested with data collected on a Cary50 UV/VIS spectrometer. If any alternate instruments are found not to work as expected, please submit a bug report on our `issue tracker`__. __ .. plot:: >>> import WrightTools as wt >>> from WrightTools import datasets >>> p = datasets.Cary.CuPCtS_H2O_vis >>> data = wt.collection.from_Cary(p)[0] >>> wt.artists.quick1D(data) Parameters ---------- filepath : path-like Path to Cary output file (.csv). parent : WrightTools.Collection A collection object in which to place a collection of Data objects. verbose : boolean (optional) Toggle talkback. Default is True. Returns ------- data New data object. """ # check filepath filestr = os.fspath(filepath) filepath = pathlib.Path(filepath) if ".csv" not in filepath.suffixes: wt_exceptions.WrongFileTypeWarning.warn(filepath, "csv") if name is None: name = "cary" # import array lines = [] ds = np.DataSource(None) with, "rt", encoding="iso-8859-1") as f: header = f.readline() columns = f.readline() while True: line = f.readline() if line == "\n" or line == "" or line == "\r\n": break else: # Note, it is necessary to call this twice, as a single call will # result in something like ',,,,' > ',nan,,nan,'. line = line.replace(",,", ",nan,") line = line.replace(",,", ",nan,") # Ensure that the first column has nan, if necessary if line[0] == ",": line = "nan" + line clean = line[:-2] # lines end with ',/n' lines.append(np.fromstring(clean, sep=",")) lines = [line for line in lines if len(line) > 0] header = header.split(",") columns = columns.split(",") arr = np.array(lines).T duplicate = len(header) // 2 == len(set(header) - {""}) # chew through all scans datas = Collection(name=name, parent=parent, edit_local=parent is not None) units_dict = {"°c": "deg_C", "°f": "deg_F"} for i in range(0, len(header) - 1, 2): r = re.compile(r"[ \t\(\)]+") spl = r.split(columns[i]) ax = spl[0].lower() if len(spl) > 0 else None units = spl[1].lower() if len(spl) > 1 else None units = units_dict.get(units, units) if duplicate: name = "{}_{:03d}".format(header[i], i // 2) else: name = header[i] dat = datas.create_data(name, kind="Cary", source=filestr) dat.create_variable(ax, arr[i][~np.isnan(arr[i])], units=units) dat.create_channel( columns[i + 1].lower(), arr[i + 1][~np.isnan(arr[i + 1])], label=columns[i + 1].lower() ) dat.transform(ax) # finish if verbose: print("{0} data objects successfully created from Cary file:".format(len(datas))) for i, data in enumerate(datas): print(" {0}: {1}".format(i, data)) return datas