Source code for

"""Axis class and associated."""

# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import re
import numexpr
import operator
import functools

import numpy as np

from .. import exceptions as wt_exceptions
from .. import kit as wt_kit
from .. import units as wt_units

# --- define --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ["Axis"]

operator_to_identifier = {}
operator_to_identifier["/"] = "__d__"
operator_to_identifier["="] = "__e__"
operator_to_identifier["-"] = "__m__"
operator_to_identifier["+"] = "__p__"
operator_to_identifier["*"] = "__t__"
identifier_to_operator = {value: key for key, value in operator_to_identifier.items()}
operators = "".join(operator_to_identifier.keys())

# --- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class Axis(object): """Axis class."""
[docs] def __init__(self, parent, expression, units=None): """Data axis. Parameters ---------- parent : WrightTools.Data Parent data object. expression : string Axis expression. Space characters are ignored. units : string (optional) Axis units. Default is None. """ self.parent = parent self.expression = expression.replace(" ", "") # ignore spaces if units is None: self.units = self.variables[0].units else: self.units = units
def __getitem__(self, index): vs = {} for variable in self.variables: arr = variable[index] vs[variable.natural_name] = wt_units.converter(arr, variable.units, self.units) return numexpr.evaluate(self.expression.split("=")[0], local_dict=vs) def __repr__(self) -> str: return "<WrightTools.Axis {0} ({1}) at {2}>".format( self.expression, str(self.units), id(self) ) @property def _leaf(self): out = self.expression if self.units is not None: out += " ({0})".format(self.units) out += " {0}".format(self.shape) return out @property def full(self) -> np.ndarray: """Axis expression evaluated and repeated to match the shape of the parent data object.""" arr = self[:] for i in range(arr.ndim): if arr.shape[i] == 1: arr = np.repeat(arr, self.parent.shape[i], axis=i) return arr @property def identity(self) -> str: """Complete identifier written to disk in data.attrs['axes'].""" return self.expression + " {%s}" % self.units @property def label(self) -> str: """A latex formatted label representing axis expression.""" label = self.expression.replace("_", "\\;") if self.units_kind: symbol = wt_units.get_symbol(self.units) if symbol is not None: for v in self.variables: vl = "%s_{%s}" % (symbol, v.label) vl = vl.replace("_{}", "") # label can be empty, no empty subscripts label = label.replace(v.natural_name, vl) label += rf"\,\left({wt_units.ureg.Unit(self.units):~}\right)" label = r"$\mathsf{%s}$" % label return label @property def natural_name(self) -> str: """Valid python identifier representation of the expession.""" name = self.expression.strip() return wt_kit.string2identifier(name, replace=operator_to_identifier) @property def ndim(self) -> int: """Get number of dimensions.""" try: assert self._ndim is not None except (AssertionError, AttributeError): self._ndim = self.variables[0].ndim finally: return self._ndim @property def points(self) -> np.ndarray: """Squeezed array.""" return np.squeeze(self[:]) @property def shape(self) -> tuple: """Shape.""" return wt_kit.joint_shape(*self.variables) @property def size(self) -> int: """Size.""" return functools.reduce(operator.mul, self.shape) @property def units(self): return self._units @units.setter def units(self, value): if value == "None": value = None if value is not None and value not in wt_units.ureg: raise ValueError(f"'{value}' is not in the unit registry") self._units = value @property def units_kind(self) -> str: """Units kind.""" return wt_units.kind(self.units) @property def variables(self) -> list: """Variables.""" try: assert self._variables is not None except (AssertionError, AttributeError): pattern = "|".join(map(re.escape, operators)) keys = re.split(pattern, self.expression) indices = [] for key in keys: if key in self.parent.variable_names: indices.append(self.parent.variable_names.index(key)) self._variables = [self.parent.variables[i] for i in indices] finally: return self._variables @property def masked(self) -> np.ndarray: """Axis expression evaluated, and masked with NaN shared from data channels.""" arr = self[:] arr.shape = self.shape arr = wt_kit.share_nans(arr, *self.parent.channels)[0] return np.nanmean( arr, keepdims=True, axis=tuple(i for i in range(self.ndim) if self.shape[i] == 1) )
[docs] def convert(self, destination_units, *, convert_variables=False): """Convert axis to destination_units. Parameters ---------- destination_units : string Destination units. convert_variables : boolean (optional) Toggle conversion of stored arrays. Default is False. """ if self.units is None and (destination_units is None or destination_units == "None"): return if not wt_units.is_valid_conversion(self.units, destination_units): valid = wt_units.get_valid_conversions(self.units) raise wt_exceptions.UnitsError(valid, destination_units) if convert_variables: for v in self.variables: v.convert(destination_units) self.units = destination_units self.parent._on_axes_updated()
[docs] def max(self): """Axis max.""" return np.nanmax(self[:])
[docs] def min(self): """Axis min.""" return np.nanmin(self[:])