Source code for

"""Channel class and associated."""

# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import numpy as np

import h5py

import warnings

from .. import kit as wt_kit
from .._dataset import Dataset
from .. import exceptions as wt_exceptions

__all__ = ["Channel"]

# --- class ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] class Channel(Dataset): """Channel.""" class_name = "Channel"
[docs] def __init__( self, parent, id, *, units=None, null=None, signed=None, label=None, label_seed=None, **kwargs ): """Construct a channel object. Parameters ---------- values : array-like Values. name : string Channel name. units : string (optional) Channel units. Default is None. null : number (optional) Channel null. Default is None (0). signed : booelan (optional) Channel signed flag. Default is None (guess). label : string. Label. Default is None. label_seed : list of strings Label seed. Default is None. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments are added to the attrs dictionary and to the natural namespace of the object (if possible). """ self._parent = parent super().__init__(id) self.label = label self.label_seed = label_seed self.units = units self.dimensionality = len(self.shape) # attrs if self._parent.file.mode is not None and self._parent.file.mode != "r": try: self.attrs.update(kwargs) self.attrs["name"] = h5py.h5i.get_name("/")[-1] self.attrs["class"] = "Channel" if signed is not None: self.attrs["signed"] = signed if null is not None: self.attrs["null"] = null except (RuntimeError, KeyError): # e.g. readonly file pass for key, value in self.attrs.items(): identifier = wt_kit.string2identifier(key) if not hasattr(self, identifier): setattr(self, identifier, value)
@property def major_extent(self) -> complex: """Maximum deviation from null.""" return max((self.max() - self.null, self.null - self.min())) @property def minor_extent(self) -> complex: """Minimum deviation from null.""" return min((self.max() - self.null, self.null - self.min())) @property def null(self) -> complex: if "null" not in self.attrs.keys(): self.attrs["null"] = 0 return self.attrs["null"] @null.setter def null(self, value): self.attrs["null"] = value @property def signed(self) -> bool: if "signed" not in self.attrs.keys(): self.attrs["signed"] = False return self.attrs["signed"] @signed.setter def signed(self, value): self.attrs["signed"] = value
[docs] def mag(self) -> complex: """Channel magnitude (maximum deviation from null).""" return self.major_extent
[docs] def normalize(self, mag=1.0): """Normalize a Channel, set `null` to 0 and the mag to given value. Parameters ---------- mag : float (optional) New value of mag. Default is 1. """ def f(dataset, s, null, mag): dataset[s] -= null dataset[s] /= mag if self.signed: mag = self.mag() / mag else: mag = self.max() / mag self.chunkwise(f, null=self.null, mag=mag) self._null = 0
[docs] def trim(self, neighborhood, method="ztest", factor=3, replace="nan", verbose=True): """Remove outliers from the dataset. Identifies outliers by comparing each point to its neighbors using a statistical test. Parameters ---------- neighborhood : list of integers Size of the neighborhood in each dimension. Length of the list must be equal to the dimensionality of the channel. method : {'ztest'} (optional) Statistical test used to detect outliers. Default is ztest. ztest Compare point deviation from neighborhood mean to neighborhood standard deviation. factor : number (optional) Tolerance factor. Default is 3. replace : {'nan', 'mean', 'exclusive_mean', number} (optional) Behavior of outlier replacement. Default is nan. nan Outliers are replaced by numpy nans. mean Outliers are replaced by the mean of its neighborhood, including itself. exclusive_mean Outilers are replaced by the mean of its neighborhood, not including itself. number Array becomes given number. Returns ------- list of tuples Indicies of trimmed outliers. See Also -------- clip Remove pixels outside of a certain range. """ warnings.warn("trim", category=wt_exceptions.EntireDatasetInMemoryWarning) outliers = [] means = [] ex_means = [] # find outliers for idx in np.ndindex(self.shape): slices = [] for i, di, size in zip(idx, neighborhood, self.shape): start = max(0, i - di) stop = min(size, i + di + 1) slices.append(slice(start, stop, 1)) neighbors = self[slices] mean = np.nanmean(neighbors) sum_ = np.nansum(neighbors) limit = np.nanstd(neighbors) * factor if np.abs(self[idx] - mean) > limit: outliers.append(idx) means.append(mean) # Note, "- 1" is to exclude the point itself, which is not nan, in order # to enter this if block, as `np.abs(nan - mean)` is nan, which would # evaluate to False ex_means.append((sum_ - self[idx]) / (np.sum(~np.isnan(neighbors)) - 1)) # replace outliers i = tuple(zip(*outliers)) if len(i) == 0: if verbose: print("No outliers found") return [] replace = {"nan": np.nan, "mean": means, "exclusive_mean": ex_means}.get(replace, replace) # This may someday be available in h5py directly, but seems that day is not yet. # This is annoying because it is the only reason we hold the whole set in memory. # KFS 2019-03-21 arr = self[:] arr[i] = replace self[:] = arr # finish if verbose: print("%i outliers removed" % len(outliers)) return outliers
def _to_dict(self): out = {} out["name"] = self.natural_name out["values"] = self[:] out["units"] = self.units out["label"] = self.label out["signed"] = self.signed out.update(self.attrs) return out