Source code for WrightTools.kit._path

"""Filepath functions."""

# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import pathlib

# --- define --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = ["get_path_matching"]

# --- functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

[docs] def get_path_matching(name: str) -> pathlib.Path: """ Non-recursive search for path to the folder "name". Searches the user directory, then looks up the cwd for a parent folder that matches. Parameters ---------- name : string name of directory to search for. Returns ------- pathlib.Path Full filepath to directory name. """ # first try looking in the user folder p = pathlib.Path.home() / name # then try expanding upwards from cwd if not p.is_dir(): p = None drive, *folders = pathlib.Path.cwd().parts if name in folders: p = pathlib.Path(drive).joinpath(*folders[: folders.index(name) + 1]) # TODO: something more robust to catch the rest of the cases? return p