Collection objects are containers, like folders in a file system. They can contain any mixture of collections and data objects. The contents of a collection can be accessed in a variety of convenient ways with WrightTools. As an example, let’s create a simple wt5 file now.
import WrightTools as wt
results = wt.Collection(name='results')
We have created a new file with a root-level collection named results. Let’s add some data to our collection.
We can access/treat our collection like a dictionary with methods keys
, values
, and items
>>> list(results.values())
[<WrightTools.Data 'neat'>, <WrightTools.Data 'messy'>, <WrightTools.Data 'confusing'>]
We can also access by key, or by index. We can even use natural naming!
>>> results[1]
<WrightTools.Data 'messy'>
>>> results['neat']
<WrightTools.Data 'neat'>
>>> results.confusing
<WrightTools.Data 'confusing'>
Ever think to yourself “Jeez, it would be nice to also keep track of the calibration data from our experiment”? Let’s add a child collection called calibration within our root results collection. We’ll fill this collection with our calibration data.
calibration = results.create_collection(name='calibration')
This child collection can be accessed in all of the ways mentioned above (dictionary, index, natural naming). The child collections and data objects hold a reference to the parent.
>>> calibration.parent
<WrightTools.Collection 'results'>
In summary, we have created a wt5 file with the following structure:
collection results
├─ data neat
├─ data messy
├─ data confusing
└─ collection calibration
├─ data OPA1_tune_test
└─ data OPA2_tune_test
Collections can be nested and added to arbitrarily in order to optimally organize and share results.
Note that the collections do not directly contain datasets. Datasets are children of the data objects. We discussed data objects in the previous section.