Source code for WrightTools.artists._colors


# --- import --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

import copy

import numpy as np
from numpy import r_

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mplcolors
import matplotlib.gridspec as grd

# --- define -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

__all__ = [

# --- functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

def make_cubehelix(name="WrightTools", gamma=0.5, s=0.25, r=-1, h=1.3, reverse=False, darkest=0.7):
    """Define cubehelix type colorbars.

    Look `here`__ for more information.


    name : string (optional)
        Name of new cmap. Default is WrightTools.
    gamma : number (optional)
        Intensity factor. Default is 0.5
    s : number (optional)
        Start color factor. Default is 0.25
    r : number (optional)
        Number and direction of rotations. Default is -1
    h : number (option)
        Hue factor. Default is 1.3
    reverse : boolean (optional)
        Toggle reversal of output colormap. By default (Reverse = False),
        colormap goes from light to dark.
    darkest : number (optional)
        Default is 0.7


    See Also
        Displays RGB components of colormaps.
    rr = 0.213 / 0.30
    rg = 0.715 / 0.99
    rb = 0.072 / 0.11

    def get_color_function(p0, p1):
        def color(x):
            # Calculate amplitude and angle of deviation from the black to
            # white diagonal in the plane of constant perceived intensity.
            xg = darkest * x**gamma
            lum = 1 - xg  # starts at 1
            if reverse:
                lum = lum[::-1]
            a = lum.copy()
            a[lum < 0.5] = h * lum[lum < 0.5] / 2.0
            a[lum >= 0.5] = h * (1 - lum[lum >= 0.5]) / 2.0
            phi = 2 * np.pi * (s / 3 + r * x)
            out = lum + a * (p0 * np.cos(phi) + p1 * np.sin(phi))
            return out

        return color

    rgb_dict = {
        "red": get_color_function(-0.14861 * rr, 1.78277 * rr),
        "green": get_color_function(-0.29227 * rg, -0.90649 * rg),
        "blue": get_color_function(1.97294 * rb, 0.0),
    cmap = matplotlib.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, rgb_dict)
    return cmap

def make_colormap(seq, name="CustomMap", plot=False):
    """Generate a LinearSegmentedColormap.

    seq : list of tuples
        A sequence of floats and RGB-tuples. The floats should be increasing
        and in the interval (0,1).
    name : string (optional)
        A name for the colormap
    plot : boolean (optional)
        Use to generate a plot of the colormap (Default is False).



    seq = [(None,) * 3, 0.0] + list(seq) + [1.0, (None,) * 3]
    cdict = {"red": [], "green": [], "blue": []}
    for i, item in enumerate(seq):
        if isinstance(item, float):
            r1, g1, b1 = seq[i - 1]
            r2, g2, b2 = seq[i + 1]
            cdict["red"].append([item, r1, r2])
            cdict["green"].append([item, g1, g2])
            cdict["blue"].append([item, b1, b2])
    cmap = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap(name, cdict)
    if plot:
    return cmap

def nm_to_rgb(nm):
    """Convert a wavelength to corresponding RGB values [0.0-1.0].

    nm : int or float
        The wavelength of light.

    List of [R,G,B] values between 0 and 1

    `original code`__

    w = int(nm)
    # color ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if w >= 380 and w < 440:
        R = -(w - 440.0) / (440.0 - 350.0)
        G = 0.0
        B = 1.0
    elif w >= 440 and w < 490:
        R = 0.0
        G = (w - 440.0) / (490.0 - 440.0)
        B = 1.0
    elif w >= 490 and w < 510:
        R = 0.0
        G = 1.0
        B = -(w - 510.0) / (510.0 - 490.0)
    elif w >= 510 and w < 580:
        R = (w - 510.0) / (580.0 - 510.0)
        G = 1.0
        B = 0.0
    elif w >= 580 and w < 645:
        R = 1.0
        G = -(w - 645.0) / (645.0 - 580.0)
        B = 0.0
    elif w >= 645 and w <= 780:
        R = 1.0
        G = 0.0
        B = 0.0
        R = 0.0
        G = 0.0
        B = 0.0
    # intensity correction ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if w >= 380 and w < 420:
        SSS = 0.3 + 0.7 * (w - 350) / (420 - 350)
    elif w >= 420 and w <= 700:
        SSS = 1.0
    elif w > 700 and w <= 780:
        SSS = 0.3 + 0.7 * (780 - w) / (780 - 700)
        SSS = 0.0
    SSS *= 255
    return [
        float(int(SSS * R) / 256.0),
        float(int(SSS * G) / 256.0),
        float(int(SSS * B) / 256.0),

[docs] def plot_colormap_components(cmap): """Plot the components of a given colormap.""" from ._helpers import set_ax_labels # recursive import protection plt.figure(figsize=[8, 4]) gs = grd.GridSpec(3, 1, height_ratios=[1, 10, 1], hspace=0.05) # colorbar ax = plt.subplot(gs[0]) gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient)) ax.imshow(gradient, aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) ax.set_title(, fontsize=20) ax.set_axis_off() # components ax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) x = np.arange(cmap.N) colors = cmap(x) r = colors[:, 0] g = colors[:, 1] b = colors[:, 2] RGB_weight = [0.299, 0.587, 0.114] k = np.sqrt([:, :3] ** 2, RGB_weight)) r.clip(0, 1, out=r) g.clip(0, 1, out=g) b.clip(0, 1, out=b) xi = np.linspace(0, 1, x.size) plt.plot(xi, r, "r", linewidth=5, alpha=0.6) plt.plot(xi, g, "g", linewidth=5, alpha=0.6) plt.plot(xi, b, "b", linewidth=5, alpha=0.6) plt.plot(xi, k, "k", linewidth=5, alpha=0.6) ax.set_xlim(0, 1) ax.set_ylim(-0.1, 1.1) set_ax_labels(ax=ax, xlabel=None, xticks=False, ylabel="intensity") # grayified colorbar cmap = grayify_cmap(cmap) ax = plt.subplot(gs[2]) gradient = np.linspace(0, 1, 256) gradient = np.vstack((gradient, gradient)) ax.imshow(gradient, aspect="auto", cmap=cmap, vmin=0.0, vmax=1.0) ax.set_axis_off()
[docs] def grayify_cmap(cmap): """Return a grayscale version of the colormap. `Source`__ __ """ if not isinstance(cmap, matplotlib.colors.Colormap): cmap = matplotlib.colormaps[cmap] colors = cmap(np.arange(cmap.N)) # convert RGBA to perceived greyscale luminance # cf. RGB_weight = [0.299, 0.587, 0.114] luminance = np.sqrt([:, :3] ** 2, RGB_weight)) colors[:, :3] = luminance[:, np.newaxis] return mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list( + "_grayscale", colors, cmap.N)
[docs] def get_color_cycle(n, cmap="rainbow", rotations=3): """Get a list of RGBA colors following a colormap. Useful for plotting lots of elements, keeping the color of each unique. Parameters ---------- n : integer The number of colors to return. cmap : string (optional) The colormap to use in the cycle. Default is rainbow. rotations : integer (optional) The number of times to repeat the colormap over the cycle. Default is 3. Returns ------- list List of RGBA lists. """ cmap = colormaps[cmap] if np.mod(n, rotations) == 0: per = np.floor_divide(n, rotations) else: per = np.floor_divide(n, rotations) + 1 vals = list(np.linspace(0, 1, per)) vals = vals * rotations vals = vals[:n] out = cmap(vals) return out
# --- color maps ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- cubehelix = make_cubehelix() greenscale = ["#000000", "#00FF00"] # black # green greyscale = ["#FFFFFF", "#000000"] # white # black invisible = ["#FFFFFF", "#FFFFFF"] # white # white # isoluminant colorbar based on the research of Kindlmann et al. # c = mplcolors.ColorConverter().to_rgb isoluminant1 = make_colormap( [ c(r_[1.000, 1.000, 1.000]), c(r_[0.847, 0.057, 0.057]), 1 / 6.0, c(r_[0.847, 0.057, 0.057]), c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), 2 / 6.0, c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), 3 / 6.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), 4 / 6.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), 5 / 6.0, c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), c(r_[0.718, 0.000, 0.718]), ], name="isoluminant`", ) isoluminant2 = make_colormap( [ c(r_[1.000, 1.000, 1.000]), c(r_[0.718, 0.000, 0.718]), 1 / 6.0, c(r_[0.718, 0.000, 0.718]), c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), 2 / 6.0, c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), 3 / 6.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), 4 / 6.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), 5 / 6.0, c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), c(r_[0.847, 0.057, 0.057]), ], name="isoluminant2", ) isoluminant3 = make_colormap( [ c(r_[1.000, 1.000, 1.000]), c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), 1 / 5.0, c(r_[0.316, 0.316, 0.991]), c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), 2 / 5.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.559, 0.559]), c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), 3 / 5.0, c(r_[0.000, 0.592, 0.000]), c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), 4 / 5.0, c(r_[0.527, 0.527, 0.000]), c(r_[0.847, 0.057, 0.057]), ], name="isoluminant3", ) signed_old = [ "#0000FF", # blue "#00BBFF", # blue-aqua "#00FFFF", # aqua "#FFFFFF", # white "#FFFF00", # yellow "#FFBB00", # orange "#FF0000", # red ] skyebar = [ "#FFFFFF", # white "#000000", # black "#0000FF", # blue "#00FFFF", # cyan "#64FF00", # light green "#FFFF00", # yellow "#FF8000", # orange "#FF0000", # red "#800000", # dark red ] skyebar_d = [ "#000000", # black "#0000FF", # blue "#00FFFF", # cyan "#64FF00", # light green "#FFFF00", # yellow "#FF8000", # orange "#FF0000", # red "#800000", # dark red ] skyebar_i = [ "#000000", # black "#FFFFFF", # white "#0000FF", # blue "#00FFFF", # cyan "#64FF00", # light green "#FFFF00", # yellow "#FF8000", # orange "#FF0000", # red "#800000", # dark red ] wright = ["#FFFFFF", "#0000FF", "#00FFFF", "#00FF00", "#FFFF00", "#FF0000", "#881111"] class cmapdict(dict): def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self: return self.get(key) self[key] = plt.get_cmap(key) return self.get(key) colormaps = cmapdict() colormaps["cubehelix"] = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap("cubehelix_r")) colormaps["default"] = cubehelix colormaps["signed"] = copy.copy(plt.get_cmap("bwr")) colormaps["greenscale"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("greenscale", greenscale) colormaps["greyscale"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("greyscale", greyscale) colormaps["invisible"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("invisible", invisible) colormaps["isoluminant1"] = isoluminant1 colormaps["isoluminant2"] = isoluminant2 colormaps["isoluminant3"] = isoluminant3 colormaps["signed_old"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("signed", signed_old) colormaps["skyebar1"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("skyebar", skyebar) colormaps["skyebar2"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("skyebar dark", skyebar_d) colormaps["skyebar3"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("skyebar inverted", skyebar_i) colormaps["wright"] = mplcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("wright", wright) # enforce grey as 'bad' value for colormaps for cmap in colormaps.values(): cmap.set_bad([0.75] * 3, 1) # enforce under and over for default colormap colormaps["default"].set_under([0.50] * 3, 1) colormaps["default"].set_over("m") # enforce under and over for signed colormap colormaps["signed"].set_under("c") colormaps["signed"].set_over("m") # a nice set of line colors overline_colors = ["#CCFF00", "#FE4EDA", "#FF6600", "#00FFBF", "#00B7EB"]