Source code for WrightTools.kit._glob

import pathlib
from os import PathLike
from typing import Union, List, Iterator
from import Data
from ..collection import Collection
from .._open import open

__all__ = [

def describe_wt5(path: Union[str, PathLike]) -> dict:
    """report useful general information about a wt5 file"""
    wt5 = open(path)
    desc = dict()
    desc["name"] = wt5.natural_name
        desc["created"] = wt5.created.human
    except:  # likely an old timestamp that cannot be parsed
        desc["created"] = wt5.attrs["created"]

    if isinstance(wt5, Data):
        desc["shape"] = wt5.shape
        desc["axes"] = wt5.axis_expressions
        desc["nvars"] = len(wt5.variables)
        desc["nchan"] = len(wt5.channels)
    elif isinstance(wt5, Collection):
        for k in ["shape", "axes", "nvars", "nchan"]:
            desc[k] = "---"
    return desc

def glob_wt5s(directory: Union[str, PathLike, None] = None, recursive=True) -> Iterator:
    """glob all wt5 files in a directory"""
    if directory is None:
        directory = pathlib.Path.cwd()
    pattern = "**/*.wt5" if recursive else f"*.wt5"
    return pathlib.Path(directory).glob(pattern)

[docs] def glob_handler(extension, directory=None, identifier=None, recursive=True) -> List[pathlib.Path]: """Return a list of all files matching specified inputs. Parameters ---------- extension : string File extension. directory : string (optional) Folder to search within. Default is None (current working directory). identifier : string Unique identifier. Default is None. recursive : bool When true, searches folder and all subfolders for identifier Returns ------- list of pathlib.Path objects path objects for matching files. """ if directory is None: directory = pathlib.Path.cwd() pattern = f"**/*.{extension}" if recursive else f"*.{extension}" return [ x for x in filter(lambda x: identifier in str(x), pathlib.Path(directory).glob(pattern)) ]
def search_for_attrs( directory: Union[str, PathLike, None] = None, recursive=True, **kwargs ) -> List[pathlib.Path]: """ Find wt5 file(s) by matching data attrs items. Parameters ---------- directory : path-like directory to search. Defaults to cwd. recursive : boolean (default True) whether or not recursively search the directory kwargs ------ key value pairs to filter the attrs with Returns ------- paths : list list of pathlib.Path objects that match Example ------- To find a scan from scan parameters in the bluesky-cmds: >>> search_wt5_by_attr(os.environ["WT5_DATA_DIR"], name="primary", shape=[136,101], ) """ return filter_wt5s(glob_wt5s(directory, recursive), **kwargs) def filter_wt5s(paths: List[Union[str, PathLike]], **kwargs) -> List[Union[str, PathLike]]: """fillter a list of wt5 paths by attrs""" return [p for p in filter(_gen_filter_by_attrs(**kwargs), paths)] def _gen_filter_by_attrs(**kwargs): def filter(x): attrs = open(x).attrs if all([key in attrs for key in kwargs.keys()]): return all([attrs[key] == kwargs[key] for key in kwargs]) else: return False return filter