- WrightTools.data.from_BrunoldrRaman(filepath, name=None, parent=None, verbose=True) Data [source]
Create a data object from the Brunold rRaman instrument.
Expects one energy (in wavenumbers) and one counts value.
- Parameters:
filepath (path-like) – Path to .txt file. Can be either a local or remote file (http/ftp). Can be compressed with gz/bz2, decompression based on file name.
name (string (optional)) – Name to give to the created data object. If None, filename is used. Default is None.
parent (WrightTools.Collection (optional)) – Collection to place new data object within. Default is None.
verbose (boolean (optional)) – Toggle talkback. Default is True.
- Returns:
New data object(s).
- Return type: