WrightTools.diagrams.WMEL module
WMEL diagrams.
- class WrightTools.diagrams.WMEL.Artist(size, energies, state_names=None, number_of_interactions=4, virtual=[None], state_font_size=8, state_text_buffer=0.5)[source]
Dedicated WMEL figure artist.
- __init__(size, energies, state_names=None, number_of_interactions=4, virtual=[None], state_font_size=8, state_text_buffer=0.5)[source]
- Parameters:
size ([columns, rows]) – Layout.
energies (list of numbers) – State energies.
state_names (list of strings (optional)) – State names. Default is None.
number_of_interactions (integer (optional)) – Number of interactions. Default is 4.
virtual (list of integers (optional)) – Indices of states which are virtual. Default is [None].
state_font_size (number (optional)) – State font size. Default is 8.
state_text_buffer (number (optional)) – Size of buffer around state text. Default is 0.5.
- add_arrow(diagram, number, between, kind, label='', head_length=0.075, font_size=7, color='k')[source]
Add arrow.
- Parameters:
diagram ([column, row]) – Diagram position.
number (integer) – Arrow position.
between ([start, stop]) – Arrow span.
kind ({'ket', 'bra', 'out'}) – Arrow style.
label (string (optional)) – Arrow label. Default is ‘’.
head_length (number (optional)) – Arrow head length. Default 0.075.
font_size (number (optional)) – Font size. Default is 7.
color (matplotlib color) – Arrow color. Default is ‘k’.
- Returns:
[line, arrow_head, text]
- Return type:
- add_cascade(diagram, number, number_of_interactions=4, titles=[None], title_font_size=16, state_names=None, virtual=[None], state_font_size=14, state_text_buffer=0.5, label_side='left', bbox_adjust=[0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.78], transfer_arrow_linewidth=1.5, transfer_arrow_offset=[0.5, 5])[source]
Add cascading process as plot.
- Parameters:
diagram ([row,column]) – row and column positions to place the cascade in the artist grid.
number (int) – number of cascading processes to add in series
number_of_interactions (int (optional)) – number of interactions for each sub process. Equal for all subprocesses. Default is 4.
titles (list of str (optional)) – list of title for each process. Default is [None]
title_font_size (int (optional)) – set the title font size. Default is 16
state_names (list of str (optional)) – list of state names. Default is None
virtal (list of int (optional)) – list of indices of virtual states. Default is [None]
state_font_size (int (optional)) – set the font size for the labels. Default is 14
state_text_buffer (float (optional)) – set the state text buffer. Default is 0.5
label_side (str (optional)) – set the side on which the state label will appear. Either ‘left’ or ‘right’. Default is ‘left’
bbox_adjust (list of floats (optional)) – adjusts the left, right, bottom, and top bounds of the cascade diagram. Default is bbox_adjust=[0.2, 0.9, 0.2, 0.78]
(ooptional) (transfer_arrow_linewidth = float) – adjusts the thickness of the arrow between cascading WMEL diagrams
[x_offset (transfer_arrow_offset =) – adjusts the label of the energy transfer arrow along the x and y axis
(optional) (y_offset]) – adjusts the label of the energy transfer arrow along the x and y axis
- add_cascade_arrow(diagram, cascade_number, index, between, kind, label='', head_length=10, head_aspect=1, font_size=14, color='k')[source]
Add arrow to cascade subprocess.
- Parameters:
diagram ([row,column]) – row and column indices location of the cascade in the figure.
cascade_number (int) – index of subprocess to add the arrow
index (int) – interaction index in the subprocess to which the arrow will be added
between ([start,stop]) – start and stop energy level indeces from which the arrow will point to
kind ({'bra', 'ket', 'out'}) – the kind of interaction to add
label (str (optional)) – interaction label. Default is “”
head_length (int (optional)) – interaction arrow head length. Default is 10
head_aspect (int (optional)) – set arrow head aspect ratio. Default is 1
font_size (int (optional)) – set label font size. Default is 14
color (str (optional)) – set arrow color. Default is black
- clear_diagram(diagram)[source]
Clear diagram.
- Parameters:
diagram ([column, row]) – Diagram to clear.
- label_columns(labels, font_size=15, text_buffer=1.15)[source]
Label columns.
- Parameters:
labels (list of strings) – Labels.
font_size (number (optional)) – Font size. Default is 15.
text_buffer (number) – Buffer around text. Default is 1.5.
- label_rows(labels, font_size=15, text_buffer=1.5)[source]
Label rows.
- Parameters:
labels (list of strings) – Labels.
font_size (number (optional)) – Font size. Default is 15.
text_buffer (number) – Buffer around text. Default is 1.5.
- plot(save_path=None, close=False, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=1)[source]
Plot figure.
- Parameters:
save_path (string (optional)) – Save path. Default is None.
close (boolean (optional)) – Toggle automatic figure closure after plotting. Default is False.
bbox_inches (number (optional)) – Bounding box size, in inches. Default is ‘tight’.
pad_inches (number (optional)) – Pad inches. Default is 1.
- class WrightTools.diagrams.WMEL.Subplot(ax, energies, number_of_interactions=4, title='', title_font_size=16, state_names=None, virtual=[None], state_font_size=14, state_text_buffer=0.5, label_side='left')[source]
Subplot containing WMEL.
- __init__(ax, energies, number_of_interactions=4, title='', title_font_size=16, state_names=None, virtual=[None], state_font_size=14, state_text_buffer=0.5, label_side='left')[source]
- Parameters:
ax (matplotlib axis) – The axis.
energies (1D array-like) – Energies (scaled between 0 and 1)
number_of_interactions (integer) – Number of interactions in diagram.
title (string (optional)) – Title of subplot. Default is empty string.
state_names (list of str (optional)) – list of the names of the states
virtual (list of ints (optional)) – list of indexes of any vitual energy states
state_font_size (numtype (optional)) – font size for the state lables
state_text_buffer (numtype (optional)) – space between the energy level bars and the state labels
- add_arrow(index, between, kind, label='', head_length=10, head_aspect=1, font_size=14, color='k')[source]
Add an arrow to the WMEL diagram.
- Parameters:
index (integer) – The interaction, or start and stop interaction for the arrow.
between (2-element iterable of integers) – The inital and final state of the arrow
kind ({'ket', 'bra', 'outbra', 'outket'}) – The kind of interaction.
label (string (optional)) – Interaction label. Default is empty string.
head_length (number (optional)) – size of arrow head
font_size (number (optional)) – Label font size. Default is 14.
color (matplotlib color (optional)) – Arrow color. Default is black.
- Return type: